Email Threat Alerts

Symbol’s Email Threat Alerts Service alert users and administrators of any instances of stolen or compromised email addresses and related credentials found across thousands of breached data sources that Symbol monitors on a daily basis.

Email Threat Alerting Service

Protect Corporate Systems from Stolen Credentials, and immediately educate users on how to safely manage compromised email addresses.

Remediate Credential Vulnerabilities

Cybercriminals can leverage stolen credentials to compromise corporate systems, commit theft, and implant malicious software and ransomware to networks. In data breaches, over 60% of these crimes occur with compromised password credentials.

Symbol’s application then engages users to remediate and fix their stolen credential vulnerabilities. Finally, Symbol reports on all user and administrator remediation efforts on a real-time basis ensuring that these vulnerabilities are documented and fixed. Human vulnerability identified, human vulnerability remediated.

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Promote Learning through Engagement

 Cybercriminals can leverage stolen credentials to compromise corporate systems, commit theft, and implant malicious software and ransomware to networks.

To combat this, Symbol Security alerts users and administrators of any instances of stolen or compromised credentials found on the dark web and reports these findings to affected users and administrators.  Additionally, an educational workflow is provided to affected users, and task completion results are delivered to administrators.

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Mitigate Cyber Threats

Cybercriminals can leverage stolen credentials to compromise corporate systems, commit theft, and implant malicious software and ransomware to networks. In data breaches, over 60% of these crimes occur with compromised password credentials.

Symbol’s application then engages users to remediate and fix their stolen credential vulnerabilities. Finally, Symbol reports on all user and administrator remediation efforts on a real-time basis ensuring that these vulnerabilities are documented and fixed. Human vulnerability identified, human vulnerability remediated.

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Shining a Light on the Dark Web


60% of Dark Web Information could be used to harm enterprises.


Dark Web Activity has increased by 300% in the last 3 years.


Illegal financing takes up around 6.3% of all dark web markets.


Over 30% of North Americans access the dark web regularly.

How can you get started?

Reach out to us today and get your business started with Symbol’s Domain Threat Alerts right away.

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